Thursday, January 31, 2008


"Books - Illustrations - Science - History - Visual Materia Obscura - Eclectic Bookart" - all at this site.

Brian Dettmer: Book Autopsies features amazing book work by Brian Dettmer. I thought these were really interesting  and beautifully done. I can't imagine how long the process was to make these. Collage is one of my favourite methods of art-making, and this goes far beyond anything I have seen in print.

Book with Tea

here is the site of Robin Kinross's excellent Hyphen Press and in particular an article about what affects a book's ability to open.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Superb Bibliography

This site is for a course called The History and Future of the Book taught by Allison Muri at the University of Saskatchewan. The Further Reading link is superlative.

Medieval Book Technology?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

raised digitally...

Illustration by Kevin Aelst

"An author's work can no longer exist in a vacuum, independent of hardy online extensions; indeed, a vascular system that pervades the Internet. Artists must now embrace the cultural theorists' beloved model of the rhizome and think of their work as a horizontal stem for numberless roots and shoots - as many entry and exit points as fans can devise." - Virginia Heffernan

-to pursue the fate of books in our digital age you might go here or possibly here

Human Participation

the link to the forms you'll need can be found here

covering the book

a review of current book cover design here

Thursday, January 24, 2008

mediaworks pamphlets interesting series of books published by MIT press, each with an online alter-ego.

-visit the site here

If you'd like...

If you'd like to see the previous Book Design blog visit here

-Belma Kapetanovic